After a period of hiatus, ME/CFS (Australia) Ltd is proud to announce that we are back and ready to work for those with the condition throughout Australia.
With May 12 marking both the International Awareness day for ME/CFS/FM and a day of international protest with the #MillionsMissing campaign, it seems fitting that the peak body for all with ME/CFS in Australia, mark its return to the fore.
ME/CFS Australia Ltd. has relaunched its website and will be progressively updating it across the coming months to include useful and relevant information that patients and their families require on issues such as the NDIS, Centrelink and other issues that we, as sufferers of this condition, face on a daily basis.
The ME/CFS Austalia Ltd. Board is made up of a number of advocates from throughout Australia, who bring to the organisation a variety of experiences and knowledge required to meet the demanding needs of this condition. With an emphasis upon skills and knowledge, as well as first hand experience of the condition, this committed group aims to rebuild this organisation into a functional and effective advocate for all. Behind the scenes we also have a number of dedicated people with skills and experience that they have been kind enough to lend to the organisation. Whilst outwardly we have been somewhat quiet, inwardly this small group has been working hard to rebuild and refocus ME/CFS Australia Ltd. The Board acknowledges these hard working, generous people and thanks them for the service – past, present and future.
ME/CFS Australia Ltd. is a charity and therefore self-funded organisation that depends upon the generosity of its supporters. We would welcome your support with tax-deductible donations which are able to be made here.
ME/CFS Australia Ltd. has in the past 12 months, supported a number of organisations to achieve their goals, including the ME/CFS Lyme Association of Western Australia Inc, Emerge Ltd and Bridges and Pathways. Without the support of donations and bequests, ME/CFS Australia Ltd. wouldn’t be able to support those organisations that deliver services and research to you!
ME/CFS Australia Ltd is currently working on a strategic business plan, seeking out funding and negotiating partnerships that seek to provide tangible benefits to sufferers and their families. Whilst these projects are undeniably needed now, we do ask for patience as we work towards meeting these objectives over time. Our volunteers are primarily patients, like yourselves, and these projects will take time. Suffice to say, we understand the needs of patients and their families, so we aim to identify opportunities and partnerships that can alleviate some of the burden that accompanies ME/CFS.
As these projects come to fruition, we will we have no hesitation in sharing them with you.
To all those supporters who have been patient in our absence – we thank you for sticking by us and having faith as we rebuild. Now its down to hard work and advocacy.
Best wishes
The Board
ME/CFS Australia Ltd.